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Hey see it hasn't been months this time!

Finished adding all the planets on the front page! Fun fact, for the orbital time for them, I made them as accurate as I could in ratio to the real times. Except Pluto cause that was like 9900 seconds and that's just a bit too slow.

It's been too long since I started the game I was trying to make I'm considering restarting so I know what everything does again. Also still working on a different font but whenever I try it never seems to work ;-;

Been learning more Japanese too! Just done basic past tense, so,


I was a student

Was considering this idea of doing random writing exercises, and putting them here? Like the blogs!

Still playing MCCI. Frickin love dynaball. Oh that's a thing that happened too! Just remembered while writing this, haha. I broke the mouse in the middle of a battle box (4v4 pvp) game; the left click stopped working, which was very confusing when I try to hit a guy and nothing happens

o/ See you next time!

- Miles
