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Now with colour!

Typing all this out makes me think I use exclamation marks too much.

Anyway we're back! Adding more colours! It was suprisingly hard to choose a colour scheme, but we're getting somewhere with this! Life got in the way a bit before, exams and stuff, though I still need to be doing stuff now. No I'm not procrastinating that by doing this what are you talking about (sarcasm).

Also I've been trying to teach myself Japanese in my free time! Not sure why specifically, I just wanted to learn a language, but I listen to some music (Ado, deco*27, mafumafu) so it works!


I am Miles(mairuzu). This is my website! Nice to meet you!

I need to make a big project for computer science so this is practice! My project is a classroom/teams type program where teachers can set work and stuff, but its in the design/analysis stage so its all writing and I hate writing :[. Oh and question practice for other subjects but I'm ignoing maths until I can't (The classes are changing pupils and teachers so I'm hoping I get in good groups and with a nice teacher who won't think I'm stupid cause I can't do suprise questions (before an exam I get to revise so whynot these questions?? It's not representative of how I really can do!!))

So colours, and better navigation! Yippee!!

- Miles
